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Co-operative business models video guide

A co-operative business model can help you build a fairer, stronger and more sustainable business. Watch a series of short videos from our specialist advisers at Co-operative Development Scotland to learn about the benefits and myths surrounding co-ops

Are you thinking about starting a co-op and would you like to know more about this way of working? These video guides with our Co-operative Development Scotland Specialist Advisors are a great place to start. 

The videos provide a simple overview of co-ops. They also dispel some of the myths that we come across in the wider business support community and when we speak to our clients.

Introduction to co-operatives: benefits and how co-ops work

A co-op is an organisation that is run by its members to meet their specific needs. Lots of organisations can be run as co-ops, including credit unions, housing associations, sports clubs and commercial businesses.

It's the commercial business that Co-operative Development Scotland can support.

In Scotland we have shops, digital agencies, energy suppliers and distilleries all operating as co-ops.

Our video guide looks at:

  • What makes a co-op different from other businesses
  • The different types of co-ops
  • Their legal structure by watching our video guide

Watch the video guide to learn more. 

Find out more about co-ops

Co-ops differ from other types of businesses because they exist to benefit their members rather than to make profit for external shareholders. They are sustainable businesses that boost productivity, harness innovation and improve the wellbeing of their members.

Members are key to making them different. Membership varies depending on the type of co-op and can include workers, groups of businesses and community groups.

The types of co-ops we often support include:

  • Worker co-op
  • Consortium co-op
  • Community co-op
  • Platform digital co-op

You can find out more about these types of co-ops by watching our detailed co-operative business model video guideopens in a new windowon YouTube. 

Co-operatives: common myths explained

Our Co-operative Development Scotland advisers regularly hear the same misconceptions about co-ops. These include:

  • Myth 1: A co-op is just a convenience store.
  • Myth 2: Employee-owned businesses and co-ops are the same thing.
  • Myth 3: Co-ops are not really businesses, are they?
  • Myth 4: Co-ops are not for profit.
  • Myth 5: You must choose between being a co-op or a social enterprise business model.
  • Myth 6: Co-ops are more relaxed than other businesses and don’t have effective management processes.

In our video guide, 'Dispelling the myths of co-ops', we address each of the common myths and show that co-ops are vibrant, profitable businesses with robust governance.

Watch the video to learn more.

Co-operative guides and resources

Got a question?

Are you looking to start a new co-operative or develop an existing one? Contact us to find out how we can help.

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