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Accessing our information

View a range of reports, publications and other information on our activities and expenditure.

We're serious about access to and protection of information. We want you to be able to find the information you need, and to be transparent about our activities and expenditure. We regularly publish a range of information that you can review – browse the following categories to find our latest reports and more.

  • Spending and accounts

    Find details of our public sector spend and senior salaries, as well as annual reports and accounts.

  • Policies and information

    Read a variety of reports on our operations and impact, plus details of our workplace policies.

  • Funding outcomes and information

    See the results of past funding rounds, and get guidance on large grants and other funding calls.

  • Scottish economy reports and publications

    Read expert reports, studies and other publications on Scotland's economy, including risk capital markets and the energy transition.

  • Freedom of information (FOI)

    Learn how to make a freedom of information request and what types of information are available.

  • Subsidy schemes

    Get details of our subsidy schemes and how they provide support to Scottish businesses.

  • Parliamentary engagement

    Read our submissions to a variety of parliamentary committees and inquiries on topics relevant to Scotland's economy.

  • Information for suppliers

    Find details of our tendering and procurement procedures, including our strategy and reports.

Got a question?

If you have any questions or want to talk with one of our advisers, we're always ready to help.