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Information for suppliers

To ensure fairness, best practice and value for money in our procurement processes, we follow the Scottish Government's Suppliers Charter code of conduct.

Tendering procedures depend on the value and the nature of what's being purchased. Public sector contracts of more than £50,000 are advertised on the Public Contracts Scotland website.

View information on public sector procurement in Scotlandopens in a new window

View the Scottish Government’s procurement guidance for suppliersopens in a new window

Download the Scottish Enterprise Procurement Strategy 2023-2028 (PDF, 1.88 MB)opens in a new window

Download the Scottish Enterprise Annual Procurement Report 2022-2023 (PDF, 0.9 MB) opens in a new window

Procurement forward plan

We publish our planned procurement activity in the Scottish Enterprise Procurement Forward Plan for procurements of more than £50,000, excluding VAT.

Download the procurement forward plan opens in a new window(XLSX, 24 KB)opens in a new window

Terms and conditions

We have standard terms and conditions for contracts with our suppliers. They are defined in the documents you can download from this page. Our terms and conditions have recently been reviewed, and we now share risk in a more equal manner with our suppliers.

Terms and conditions for purchasing goods and services under £50,000 (DOCX, 53 KB)opens in a new window

Terms and conditions for purchasing goods and services over £50,000 (DOCX, 65 KB)opens in a new window

Terms and conditions for purchasing professional services (DOCX, 63 KB)opens in a new window

Terms and conditions for framework agreements (DOCX, 81 KB)opens in a new window

Terms and conditions for electronic databases (DOCX, 64 KB)opens in a new windowopens in a new window

Got a question?

If you have any questions or want to talk with one of our advisers, we're always ready to help.