Our ambition
We’re changing the way we work with businesses and partners to deliver economic transformation. Find out more.
You can read full details about our focus on economic transformation in our strategy document.
Download our strategy (PDF, 2.2 MB, 40 Pages)opens in a new window
Economic transformation
At Scottish Enterprise, our purpose is supporting businesses to innovate and scale to transform Scotland’s economy.
We're refocusing Scottish Enterprise to work with businesses and partners across the country to deliver economic transformation. The next five to ten years will be a defining time for our economy.
In the face of global opportunities and challenges, and constrained public finances, it’s more important than ever that we focus on where we can make the biggest impact in delivering the ambition that's set out in the Scottish Government's National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET)opens in a new window.

Adrian Gillespie, Chief Executive of Scottish Enterprise
High-growth opportunities
Scottish Enterprise must be laser focused on the high-growth opportunities where Scotland's companies are best placed to compete internationally. We also need to strengthen our underlying performance in important areas critical to driving our future competitiveness.
The global shift to net zero is creating opportunities to innovate and gain a competitive advantage in fast-growing international markets. For example, Scotland is well positioned to take a leadership role in sectors like offshore wind and green hydrogen production to accelerate the energy transition and maximise its economic benefits.
We're refocusing our resources and ways of working to achieve this.
Innovation, investment and international markets
A collective effort has resulted in great strides being made in recent years to unlock Scotland’s full innovation and entrepreneurial potential. Innovation underpins internationally competitive companies and clusters, with clear priorities set out in Scotland’s Innovation Strategyopens in a new window.
We're committed to working with partners in industry, academia and government to fully release our potential to grow companies and clusters of scale.
Investment is also critical to delivering growth and higher productivity, delivering better wages and a more resilient economy.
Scotland is in the top-performing nations in attracting global companies to invest here, and we now have a highly developed early-stage investment market supporting young companies.
During the last five years we have:
supported projects that are expected to deliver £2.3 billion
of investment in innovation and R&D
supported export projects which could generate £8 billion
in additional export sales
supported projects that are expected to deliver £2.5 billion
of capital investment
created or safeguarded 75,000 jobs
raising an additional £900 million of income tax
maintained Scotland's position as the most popular UK location
outside London for inward investment and grown our attractiveness to investors over that period
generated £600 million
of income
However, more needs to be done to grow levels of business investment more widely if we're to compete with the highest performing nations.
Scottish Enterprise has an important role to play, alongside our partners, to support the companies we work with, to invest for the future and to attract new sources of international investment.
Our three missions
Having assessed the opportunities that can help drive a step change in Scotland’s economic performance, we'll concentrate our expertise on three priority areas.
These areas are our ‘missions’:
- Creating an internationally competitive energy transition industry in Scotland
- Scaling the impact of Scotland’s innovation strengths into high-growth industries of the future
- Driving capital investment to deliver a step change in Scotland’s productivity
Learn more about our missions
Scotland's energy transition
Energy transition will dominate Scotland’s supply chain in the next decade. We’re starting now. Get to grips with green energy and learn how to maximise its potential for your business.
Scaling innovation for business growth
Scotland is recognised as having some of the most innovative and fastest growing clusters in Europe, including Space, fintech, AI and industrial biotechnology. Learn how we can help you scale innovation.
Unlock capital investment
We're here to help your business attract and secure funding and can help you invest in key areas of your business. Learn about funding options and where best to focus your investment.
Changing how we work
Our commitment to the principles of net zero and fair work is unchanged and underpins everything we do. However, to focus on our three 'missions' — energy transition, scaling innovation and attracting investment – Scottish Enterprise needs to change.
So, we're refocusing our leadership, our people, our support to companies and our international networks to ensure we're fully focused on these transformational opportunities that can deliver a more successful, greener and fairer Scotland.

Read our case studies
Learn more about economic transformation projects and how our support has helped Scottish businesses.
Verlume: storage and management solutions for Scotland's energy transition
Learn about how we’ve supported Verlume, a leader in energy management and storage technologies for the energy industry.
Emergency One's sustainable solutions
Find out how our innovation teams worked closely with Cumnock-based Emergency One to help it develop a ground-breaking, zero- carbon-emission emergency vehicle.
ETZ: leading northeast Scotland's energy transition
ETZ Ltd has Scotland's largest dedicated energy transition facility. Find out how we're supporting the company behind it.
AMIDS: Scotland's advanced manufacturing innovation district
Learn about the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS) — Scotland’s dedicated space for manufacturing innovation and why it’s a major opportunity for investors.
Why Eurostampa chose Glasgow
The global company recently invested in a new multi-million-pound facility in Cumbernauld. Find out what brought the Italian brand to Scotland.
MMIC: making medicine more sustainable
Learn how the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre (MMIC) in Glasgow’s Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District is leading a sustainable medicine revolution.
Our operating plan
Our operating plan for 2024-25 describes how we'll deliver our long-term strategic ambition and our focus on economic transformation. It shows how we're directing resources to invest in transformative opportunities that enable companies to create high-value jobs, boost productivity and unlock wealth for all of Scotland.
Download our operating plan (PDF, 1.63 MB, 25 Pages) opens in a new window
Ar plana obrachaidh
Tha ar plana obrachaidh airson 2024-25 a’ toirt iomradh air mar a bhios sinn a’ lìbhrigeadh ar n-àrd-amas ro-innleachdail is fad-amail agus ar fòcas air cruth-atharrachadh eaconamach. Tha e a’ taisbeanadh mar a tha sinn a’ stiùireadh ghoireasan gus tasgadh ann an cothroman cruth-atharrachail a tha a’ comasachadh chompanaidhean le obraichean àrd-luaich a chruthachadh, tarbhachd a bhrosnachadh agus saidhbhreas fhosgladh do na h-uile ann an Alba.
Our strategic ambition
As part of our Gaelic Language Plan, key elements of our strategic ambition document are available in Gaelic.
Download the document (PDF, 96 KB) opens in a new window
Ar n-àrd-amas ro-innleachdail
Mar phàirt de ar Plana Gàidhlig, tha prìomh eileamaidean den phàipear àrd-amasan ro-innleachdail rim faotainn ann an Gàidhlig.
Evidence paper
Read the economic research and evidence behind our ambition.
Download the evidence paper (PDF, 0.61 MB, 12 Pages) opens in a new window
Read about megatrends shaping economic change (PDF, 1.28 MB, 10 Pages) opens in a new window
Find out more
You can read full details about our focus on economic transformation in our strategy document.
Download our strategy (PDF, 2.2 MB, 40 Pages)opens in a new window