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BioDundee brand evaluation: final report


BioDundee is an umbrella marketing organisation for the biotechnology sector in Dundee. This evaluation was carried out to assess the effectiveness of the BioDundee brand, specifically: whether the BioDundee website and newsletter were effective means of communication; whether the BioDundee brand was more or less recognisable than other similar brands in the sector; and the extent to which BioDundee was promoting the biotechnology sector in Scotland.


A survey of biotechnology organisations was carried out, taking the form of a faxed questionnaire. Response numbers were boosted by contacting organisations again, this time by email. The results were analysed using statistical software.


The survey showed that there was strong awareness of the BioDundee brand both in the UK and international biotechnology communities. The brand was found to be strong in comparison with other similar regional initiatives in the UK. The newsletter was found to be more effective as a marketing tool than the website. Awareness of the brand was high even amongst respondents who did not receive the newsletter.


The main suggestion for improvement was to produce an electronic version of the newsletter, to be sent by email.

Author Tayside Economic Research Centre
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support
  • Sectors
    Life Sciences