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Evaluation of Targeting Technology Limited


Targeting Technology Ltd (TTL) aimed to: accelerate the growth of high technology-based companies; provide a focus for new technology-based inward investment and business start-up; and enhance technology transfer between the HEI sector and SMEs, and between businesses. The evaluation aimed to review: TTL progress over the recent three year funding period against targets; client perceptions of the quality and method of delivery; the expanding portfolio of activities undertaken by TTL and to place in context the extent to which these activities complement each other and are synergistic. It also recommended improvements for the future delivery of the programme.


The methodology consisted of: desk research and analysis; an analysis of monitoring data from the TTL core client database; a survey of TTL clients; face-to-face consultations with TTL client companies and SE Network organisations; and formal consultations with TTL and SE Glasgow staff and other stakeholders.


TTL has performed well over first two years, running behind target for the current year, but still on target for number of spinouts and high growth start-ups. TTL will easily exceed its sales increase target. Net additional employment is estimated at approximately 262 jobs. Client perceptions of service provision is mainly positive, with weaknesses relating to a lack of resources to meet the needs of companies. TTL has expanded its portfolio of activities. The amalgamation of TTL, Services to Software and the Bioscience Team will remove the confusion over the different roles of these organisations.


Recommends the need for increased resource to support the core mentoring activities, bearing in mind the value placed on technical knowledge and previous experience. Advises that SE Glasgow could increase the resources for mentoring activities either by employing new staff or redirecting resources from Proof of Concept and national MOCT activities. Highlights the need for SE Glasgow to clarify the various roles of TTL as early as possible.

Author EKOS Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
  • Enterprise
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation, Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Innovation
    Commercialisation, Business innovation
  • Internationalisation
    Inward investment