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Glasgow exports evaluation, 2001 to 2003 – final report for Glasgow Exports


Glasgow Exports (GE) aimed to provide bespoke support to the international business development needs of Glasgow-based businesses. The evaluation aimed to: measure the economic impact of GE’s activities over the recent period; support a future ERDF funding application; and enhance the future development of the service.


The methodology consisted of: set up; a company activity review; a consultation programme with key strategic partners and other business support networks; a research programme of company interviews; a learning workshop; and analysis and reporting.


Shows that GE met or exceeded all targets, including assisting: 418 companies with international trade development support; 56 companies to begin exporting; 175 existing exporters to find new markets; with £1.5 million in supporting international trade development in Glasgow. Outlines GE’s economic impact at the local and national level, such as: additional export sales of approximately £7 million; net direct additional sales of around £9.2 million net; 250 gross FTE jobs; 84 net additional FTEs; around £4,469 per gross FTE; around £13,300 per net FTE; a leverage ratio of 1:8, total public sector to private sector spend; and a contribution of £2.8 million to GDP. Suggests that GE has delivered a range of economic benefits for the Glasgow and Scottish economies, including meeting its stated targets. Finds GE is rated very highly by their internal and external customers, compared with other public sector support, and that GE is maintaining standards. Notes that GE is seen as a well run and efficient operation and has an appropriate fit and integration with the other support services.


Recommends no major changes to the current approach adopted by GE to the delivery of international trade development services. Suggests the key issues identified through the research are already being addressed by GE through the ongoing organisational development processes.

Author EKOS Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Internationalisation
    Exporting, Internationalisation of Scottish businesses
  • Innovation
    Business innovation