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Marketing Development Programme: evaluation


The Marketing Development Programme aimed to provide companies with additional help to surmount the problems resulting from Foot & Mouth Disease, particularly those looking to develop business throughout the UK and to export their products and services. The interim evaluation aimed to assess the present service provision under the programme and make recommendations for its future development.


The methodology consisted of: a postal questionnaire to 106 companies who received assistance under the programme (with a 54% response rate).


Finds positive outcomes of the programme include: increased sales; effective ‘one to one’ meetings; a growth in number of employees; appreciation of trade show assistance; beneficial website advice; new marketing ideas and activities; company staff able to plan business development; improved staff confidence; and enhanced customer service. Shows that 25% of respondents were not aware of having had help under the auspices of the programme. Concludes there appears to be underlying feelings of insecurity and a lack of confidence amongst individuals, even following participation in the scheme. Highlights that many respondents thought that the advice given has had a tendency to be too general or inappropriate.


Recommends building awareness of the programme. Notes that all aspects of Marketing Development Programme should be followed up, in particular the business advice and training sessions. Suggests that Business Advisers need to develop industry, sector and company specific knowledge and understanding prior to offering in depth advice. Recommends a number of features of the programme that should be considered in future, including: holding evening or half day workshops or workshops in new locations; advisers to visit companies in their own premises; instigating refresher courses or a self-learning package; clarity of information about grants; holding evaluation exercise closer to events; and better management of caseload by advisers.

Author Naden Associates
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support