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Area regeneration in Hawick and Eyemouth: project evaluation and economic impact - a final report to Scottish Borders Council. Version 1.0


The Hawick Regeneration Initiative (The Hawick Partnership) and Eyemouth East Berwickshire Partnership (EEBP), Objective 2 funded area projects, aimed to build community confidence and capacity, and help to deliver community, economic development, tourism and small scale infrastructure projects in line with regeneration strategies. The evaluation aimed to identify and assess: project outputs and impacts against those agreed with the South of Scotland European Partnership; aggregate outputs and impacts of the initiatives; the projects’ contribution in enhancing the regeneration process and building regeneration capacity; the projects against standard economy and efficiency methods; and any unforeseen benefits, or elements of best practice that could be applied to the next phase of the projects.


The methodology consisted of desk-based research, agency consultations, partnership consultations and focus groups.


Both partnerships have a ‘strategic fit’. Suggests that a thorough assessment of the economies has not been possible, due to the recent establishment of the projects. Notes that a ‘value for money’ assessment would be in danger of not fairly attributing outputs on a ‘cost per output’ basis. The Hawick Partnership is performing well in relation to its EU Objective 2 targets, particularly in the area of assists to businesses and community groups. EEBP is performing well, although it does not report sufficient outputs in relation to ‘jobs sustained’. Both provide a good example of the partnership process with staff working with local groups through community and business networks. Highlights a number of constraints to the operation of the Partnerships, including reporting, monitoring, resource and marketing issues.


Recommends that both projects continue to be funded under the next round of Objective 2 funding and that funding applications indicate a robust exit strategy. Finds there is a basis for the establishment of development trust models. Funding applications should also include an amount for skills / training and systems to rotate the volunteer effort and attract new members. Suggests further integration with Communities Scotland and the potential role of the Partnerships in the physical regeneration process.

Author Biggar Economics
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Area regeneration, Local/community regeneration
  • Equity
    Sustainable development
  • Sectors