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Edinburgh Enterprise Campaign, 2002 - 2004 evaluation: final report


The aim of the Edinburgh Enterprise Campaign (EEC) was to: promote attitudinal and cultural change to enterprise among excluded groups; encourage training and education activity in local areas; and develop the local business infrastructure by creating referral systems and networks to signpost clients to Enterprise and other organisations. It used two ‘Enterprise Guides’ to act as intermediaries between local people in SIP areas (North and South Edinburgh) and agencies providing mainstream business support services. The evaluation aimed to examine and analyse the performance of the EEC during its initial pilot period from January 2002 – July 2004, against the original targets and outputs set before its launch. The evaluation was part of a three-stage decision-making process to assess whether EEC should be funded beyond December 2004.


The evaluation draws on a series of reports and documents provided by the EEC to provide an analysis of the EEC’s inputs, activities and outputs.


The original targets for tangible outputs were 200 people using new material, 105 people given substantial support and 38 new enterprises established, and the actual totals were respectively 188, 186, and 91. The report suggests that there has been a general over-achievement of targets in all original categories. Concludes that there has been a relatively significant level of leveraged funding of £127,219, specifically targeted at SIP resident clients from a variety of external sources. Considers that the value-for-money factor has been clearly established, and can now be used as a basis for future bench-marking in any city-wide project. Concludes that if EEC is to continue, it would be more appropriate to link it with other policy-led initiatives, to facilitate an integrated approach to financial services, and funding and business support. NB the economic impact calculations in this report do not wholly adhere to the Scottish Enterprise Economic Impact Assessment Guidance launched in 2006, therefore please treat these figures with caution. Please use the "Contact Us" button if you need more information.


If there is to be any widening of the scope and scale of the EEC pilot project, the evaluation recommends that: good practice should be identified and transferred; the collection of data should be standardised and supplemented by more detailed data; quality control of service delivery should be improved; linkages with mainstream programmes should be put in place; value for money criteria should be agreed at the outset in order that management of processes is the central focus for attention; future funding arrangements will entail a packaging of appropriate funding partners; and a three-year period of funding be set as a minimum level of commitment to ensure the long-term sustainability of the campaign.

Author KMC Management Consultants
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Local/community regeneration
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development, Economic Inclusion