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Evaluation of “Ontowork”: final report (version 4)


Ontowork aimed to: provide a range of flexible, practical, client-focused services; encourage and support unemployed people to return to the labour market, education and training; actively work with partners organisations to encourage the development and delivery of services; and promote the benefits of sustaining employability through a culture of lifelong learning and development. The evaluation aimed: to detail the achievement of ESF target and the reasons for any variances; assess the performance of Ontowork as a project and the value for money which it represented for funders; and consider how Ontowork could contribute to economic inclusion in West Dunbartonshire in the future.


The methodology consisted of: a literature review; a management team workshop; interviews with staff and stakeholders; a survey of clients; data analysis; and a key findings workshop.


Ontowork substantially achieves its strategic objectives, largely delivers its target outputs and outcomes, delivers good value for money, and provides a number of meaningful qualitative benefits to its clients, such as improved confidence skills, assertiveness and communications abilities. It is generally complementary to other services and has helped 286 people into employment over a three year period. Concludes that the project’s penetration within SIP areas is below agreed targets, reflecting its demand-led approach and a lack of proactivity in these areas. Estimates that net employment outcomes are 83 people into jobs over a three year period, equating to a gross cost per job of £1,678 and an approximate net cost per job of £5,783. Suggests this is a good performance given the nature of the client base. Notes that customer service ratings are excellent. Highlights that clients and stakeholders see it as a highly approachable and professional organisation.


Recommends building awareness of the availability and range of its services amongst clients and referral organisations where its penetration is poor currently. Suggests more outreach work, particularly targeting SIP residents and deepening relationships with existing clients.

Author IBP Strategy and Research
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development, Economic Inclusion