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Learning Journey evaluation: final report


The Learning Journey support programme is a tool which aims to help senior managers from key Lanarkshire businesses meet with, learn from and interact with some of the world’s leading companies. The evaluation aimed to: assess the rationale behind the programme; review the success of the programme; comment on targeting and project delivery; identify the characteristics of companies participating in the programme; assess customer satisfaction; capture perceptions of programme fit, delivery and performance from key stakeholders; assess the overall local and national economic impact; examine the extent to which the programme has achieved sustainable benefits; identify the key strengths and weaknesses; establish likely future demand; assess whether the support remains relevant to the needs of businesses; identify potential programme improvements; inform future European funding applications; and comment on the applicability of an exit strategy.


The methodology consisted of: face-to-face and telephone interviews with seven Learning Journey participants.


The project appears to be well-managed, targeted and delivered, and feedback from the participants is positive. It has met many of its aims and objectives. Observes that there is no clear method for facilitating the development of exemplar companies. Suggests that Learning Journeys encouraged changes in business operations in a number of key areas. Historic demand for the courses has been strong but evidence suggests that demand from smaller firms is constrained due to time commitments.


Recommends that the Learning Journeys should be retained. Enhancements of the existing Learning Journeys should include: formalising the engagement of Account and Client Managers; giving companies the flexibility to arrange visits to individual companies; supporting further networking after participation; formalising the follow up of the implementation by businesses by learning achieved; identifying mechanisms for sharing the learning with other Lanarkshire companies; developing a series of shorter learning visits targeted at host companies in the UK or Europe; and developing a programme of themed one day visits open to a wider range of Lanarkshire companies.

Author GEN Consulting; O’Herlihy and Co Ltd; Research Resource
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Internationalisation
    Internationalisation of Scottish businesses
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Leadership/management development