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Evaluation of Joblink and ARTC: a report to SE Ayrshire


In North Ayrshire, Joblink aimed to improve access to training for Training for Work (TfW) clients and the Adult Training and Recruitment Credit (ARTC) pilot aimed to provide financial and training support to employers and clients when they exit training and enter employment. The evaluation aimed to assess: their effectiveness, impact and value for money; the progress of the pilot in light of the SE Dunbartonshire experience; best practice and opportunities for improvement; whether the projects should be continued beyond March 2006; and whether one or both projects should be extended to East and South Ayrshire.


The methodology consisted of: a review of management information and relevant documentary sources and research into TfW; consultations with SE National and SE Ayrshire, The Lennox Partnership and the Joblink team, Jobcentre Plus staff, the training provider network, Joblink trainees, and employers who had received ARTC support.


Suggests the new Joblink pilot appears not to have had an obvious impact. Finds there has been a gradual change in the type of referrals received and that certain training providers were preferred by the co-ordinators. Highlights the positive relationships between Jobcentre Plus and Joblink and shows positive trainee perceptions of Joblink staff. Finds that ARTC got off to a slow start, with job outcomes well below target, but showed a marked improvement in the intervening period. Suggests there are signs for ARTC to act as an incentive to employers. The additionality of the training input of ARTC varies on the size of the firm. Suggests both projects are designed to complement each other but there has been little evidence of linkage.


Recommends that Joblink and ARTC models should continue to operate. Suggests that a further review should be undertaken and the programme should remain operational only in North Ayrshire until this is carried out. Considers progress should be monitored more closely and the achievement rates of training providers shared with Jobcentre Plus and Joblink. Outlines a series of steps to improve Joblink and ARTC. Concludes that levels of additionality for Joblink are as important as absolute numbers of ARTC job outcomes.

Author GEN Consulting
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development