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Evaluation of The Research Centre (Media Innovation Support Programme Phase 3)


The Research Centre (TRC) was established by Channel 4 (C4), in partnership with Scottish Enterprise Glasgow (SEG), to enable independent production companies based in Glasgow (and the Nations and Regions) to invest in research and development. TRC manages the Media Innovation Support Programme and the evaluation aimed to apprise Phase 3 of the Programme and develop potential options for the future development of the project.


The methodology consisted of: desk research to review the available monitoring data, assess the progress of the project towards its operating targets and examine the wider context for the project; consultations with key partners to seek their views on the impacts of the project and about its future development; a telephone and face-to-face survey of companies assisted by TRC during Phase 3 of the project; and a workshop with the key partners in the project to explore options for the future of the Project and agree the next steps.


The evaluation finds that: the project is performing well against its original objectives; the project is delivering good economic impacts and strong value for money; and that while there are areas for improvement, the project is a valuable part of the overall support environment for the digital media and creative industries in Glasgow and Scotland.


The report recommends that there is no radical overhaul of TRC services. Rather, it notes that there are opportunities for work in new areas, and for exploring new delivery formats and broader target audiences/clients. It also advises that the management team at TRC should start to consider the detailed structure of new provision, and in so doing should take account of the following: the future needs and expectations of the key partners (SE and C4); the future shape and priorities for the European funding programmes in Scotland; the potential for new stakeholder relationships within Scotland (and across the UK) in particular with Skillset and Scottish Screen; and the findings of the evaluation.

Author EKOS Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Innovation
    Business innovation