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Scottish Enterprise Financial Services Newsletter evaluation: quantitative debrief


The Scottish Enterprise (SE) Financial Services Newsletter, ‘Investing in Our Future’ aimed to publish articles about the financial services sector. The evaluation aimed to assess the effectiveness of the newsletter in reaching its target audience, and the format of the newsletter as a suitable communications vehicle.


The methodology consisted of: 65 telephone interviews from 306 contacts.


Finds that the newsletter is read by the majority of recipients. Notes that the articles and overall newsletter are considered relevant to readers. Highlights that readers are satisfied with the frequency, focus, design and style of the newsletter.


Recommends that each edition contains at least one article written by a professional within the Financial Services Industry. Suggests an investigation of how to distribute the newsletter by email.

Author mruk research limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support
  • Sectors
    Financial and business services