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Market intelligence report: advanced robotics


This report provides market intelligence into the sector defined as advanced robotics by the Intermediary Technology Institute (ITI) in Techmedia. For the purposes of this document, the definition of advanced robotics is: devices that act largely, or partly, autonomously, that interact physically with people or their environment and that are capable of modifying their behaviour based upon sensor data. The report provides an overview of the advanced robotics market, sets out key trends, drivers and inhibitors, reviews the outlook for market development and describes nine market opportunities, one or more of which may form the basis for further ITI Techmedia activities in this area.


Information was obtained following the principles of market intelligence gathering (also known as foresighting) established by ITI Techmedia. Both primary and secondary market data were acquired and collated through interviews with experts from academia and commerce, workshops and desk research, which was used to obtain secondary data from internationally recognised market analysts and other sources.


The research finds that, within the next 10-15 years, advanced robotics is expected to impact increasingly on everyone, both at home and in the workplace. As market opportunities become addressed through technologically novel, economically-viable products, the advanced robotics market is expected to witness significant growth in the medium to long term, with the market opportunity potentially worth over USD50 billion by 2025 from a base of around USD6 billion in 2006. The nine market opportunities identified include: human-robot co-operative assembly; jigless assembly robots for large-scale structures; surgical haptics; intelligent dextrous catheters; intelligent prostheses; physiotherapy robots; sewer inspection / repair robots; nuclear facility inspection robots; and assisted living / elderly care robots. It is indicated that the human-robot co-operative assembly, nuclear facility inspection robots and assisted living / elderly care robots could form the basis for further ITI Techmedia activity in this area. Key trends and drivers impacting on the advanced robotics sector include: increased spread of automation systems; increasing legislative pressure; increasing educational level of the population; an ageing population; the need to improve competitiveness in smaller industries; the maintenance of a high quality of life through independent living well into old age; the need to maintain cost-effective and high quality services; and the need to contain health costs. A number of inhibitors are also identified, including the lack of established safety standards guidelines for autonomous systems; the lack of an established supply industry; and perceptions of robots.


There were no recommendations as this was not within the remit of the report.

Author ITI Techmedia
Published Year 2010
Report Type Research
  • Business infrastructure
    Supporting key sectors
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies