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Evaluation of the GTI Business Connections Project: final report


The centre for Genomics Technology and Informatics (GTI) Business Connections project (‘the Business Connections project’) was developed by the University of Edinburgh and Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian (SEEL) with the aim of maximising the economic impact of the ‘post-genomic revolution’ in Scotland, directly linking academic innovation with business enterprise. The objectives of the project were to: capitalise on high growth opportunities in Scotland in post-genomic markets; address the current information deficit in the local economy; and lower barriers to entry to this new science and technology. The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the progress of the project to date, including its economic impact.


The evaluation included a review of key background documentation and monitoring reports, interviews with thirteen stakeholders associated with the delivery and management of the project as well as interviews with six companies who have participated on the project.


The key evaluation conclusions are that the Business Connections project: had a clear rationale for activity and fit with the policy environment; has made mixed progress in relation to targets – but generated research income of over £5 million from collaborations; appears to have been well managed and delivered; and has generated a range of knowledge and wider capacity-building benefits in businesses as well as the generation of R&D income, the attraction and retention of talent within Scotland and facilitated the development of international networks.


A number of recommendations were made that focused on wider project delivery, including: a lessons learned workshop should be run to ensure the experiences of the project are captured; there should be a clearer articulation of what the project is expected to achieve; the assumptions around target setting and project delivery should be made clear; and a clear monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress and capture the full value of the project should be used.

Author Frontline
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Innovation
  • Sectors
    Life Sciences