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Scottish multi-modal freight locations study: final report


Multi-modal freight locations were established to improve the movement of freight throughout Scotland on a transport network including rail, sea, air and road transport, to help Scottish businesses compete internationally. The study was carried out to examine the possible development of Scotland’s key freight locations in terms of their economic competitiveness and contribution to other issues such as promoting modal shift and providing wider benefits. The report aimed to: compile a baseline of existing freight movements; analyse and quantify future demand for freight transport over the next 10-20 years; consider the implications of existing and future demand for intermodal freight locations; identify options for the development of such locations and assess their potential impact on economic competitiveness; and identify options which could be private-sector driven, and the role of the public sector in supporting other developments.


The methodology involved a consultation and data collection exercise undertaken with key stakeholders including freight operators, public bodies, customers and end-users, businesses and government. The study also used a STAG-based capacity appraisal and economic analysis of the options/locations to identify the benefits. Two future scenarios were tested (low growth and high growth scenarios), based on different assumptions of growth up to 2020.


The report identifies the options/locations for multi-modal freight facilities in Scotland. The findings include an economic appraisal of future demand and capacity of each intermodal location. The analysis concludes that the following eight options could be financially viable: Aberdeen Regional Gateway, Dundee Regional Gateway, Elgin/A96 Freight Distribution Location, Grangemouth National Gateway, Hunterston National Gateway, Inverness Regional Gateway, Peterhead Regional Gateway, and Rosyth National Gateway. It suggests that all these options could be implemented by the private sector with little or no need for government intervention. The Cameron Bridge-Leven and Lockerbie options were found to provide wider socio-economic benefits, but do not have sufficient demand/revenue to cover both their implementation and running costs, so they could warrant public sector intervention. The Cromarty Firth and Loch Fyne options do not provide sufficient societal benefits and should not be considered for implementation based purely on economic criteria. Lerwick, Mossend, Coatbridge and Prestwick Airport were considered as having sufficient capacity to meet their current and future demands.


None made.

Author Scott Wilson Ltd
Published Year 2010
Report Type Research
  • Internationalisation
    Internationalisation of Scottish businesses