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International Technology and Renewable Energy Zone: project review - final report for Scottish Enterprise


The report presents the main findings from a review of the International Technology and Renewable Energy Zone (ITREZ) project. ITREZ is a 10-year collaboration between Scottish Enterprise, the University of Strathclyde and the Scottish Funding Council, designed to deliver a high value, industry-driven cluster for technology and renewable energy in Glasgow. The project aimed to position Scotland as an internationally recognised location for research, development, design and engineering of offshore marine renewable energy and a range of associated enabling technologies. The review focused on: the partnership approach to delivering the project; internal operational mechanisms to deliver the project; project performance against strategic and economic outcomes; and recommendations for future delivery.


The review involved: analysis of project documentation and Technology Innovation Centre (TIC) monitoring data; consultations with eight senior academics from six research departments at the University of Strathclyde; consultations with seven businesses located at the inovo building; and consultations with a range of stakeholders, including the strategic management team and operational staff, including project managers and those involved during the project inception and delivery stages.


The review found that the project was broadly on target to achieve its SMART targets. So far, it has created 274 jobs, achieved £12.6m additional research revenue, employed 150 new research staff, and delivered 4,800sqm of industry engagement space. Particularly notable successes were: the provision of good quality physical infrastructure and on-site facilities; good progress towards increasing the international profile and reputation of both the University and Glasgow as a hub for research and innovation in renewable energy, technology and innovation; and developing new business to academia partnerships and collaborations. There have however been a number of challenges with setting, communicating and measuring performance indicators, including a lack of evidence underpinning some targets, and a lack of clarity surrounding what is being measured.


The report makes a number of recommendations, focusing in particular on the internal project mechanisms that will support the continued delivery of the project. These include: developing a clear focus and vision for the project, which should then be defined and communicated; establishing a strong governance model and monitoring framework; developing the project monitoring framework and targets with a clear rationale and understanding of the data to be collected; potentially adapting the way that project partners review opportunities in order to ensure greater strategic alignment; giving consideration to a dedicated resource to help foster and drive business and academia collaborations; and proactively targeting and approaching companies to relocate to the Technology Innovation Centre (TIC).

Author Ekos Limited
Published Year 2017
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
  • Internationalisation
    People/talent attraction