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Hydrogen Production and Export Locations: Site Requirements Study


The study was undertaken to provide further detail on site requirements for large scale hydrogen production to inform site development considerations. Scotland's Hydrogen Policy Statement, published in December 2020, sets out the Scottish Government’s strong support for the development of a hydrogen economy in Scotland, including ambitions to achieve 5 GW of installed production capacity by 2030 and 25 GW by 2045. In support of this ambition, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and South of Scotland Enterprise commissioned a study by Wood to assess the spatial, utility and consenting requirements of large scale hydrogen production sites. The study was not location specific.


Alongside professional input from the consultancy conducting the study (Wood), a range of consultations with key stakeholders and consenting authorities were undertaken.


The study assessed the required inputs and land areas for production, related infrastructure, considerations for hydrogen export and the applicable planning and consenting regimes. It is intended to act as a guide for parties exploring hydrogen production. Hydrogen production has been assessed for both renewably powered electrolytic “green” hydrogen and “blue” hydrogen produced from natural gas reformation. Scales of production up to 1 GW were considered. A copy of the full technical report is available – email to request a copy.



Author Scottish Enterprise
Published Year 2022
Report Type Research
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support
  • Sectors
  • Equity
    Sustainable development
  • Internationalisation