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Offshore Wind Expert Support Service: evaluation report for Scottish Enterprise


This is an evaluation of the Offshore Wind Expert Support (OWES) product, which seeks to help companies to diversify into the sector. The objectives were to provide an understanding of the rationale for intervention; project objectives being achieved; the benefits from supported companies, use and quality of service and demand for the product; the management and delivery of the service; and how the service fits with and contributes towards SE’s and partners’ wider activities. The report also makes recommendations for the future of the product.


The methodology consisted of a desk-based review and analysis; consultations with stakeholders and contractors and; fieldwork including an online and telephone survey of companies.


The evaluation highlighted that project objectives and targets were light touch in line with the type of product it was. Consultations reported a consensus that OWES’s objectives were successful in encouraging companies to diversify into the sector and most useful for businesses who are exploring the option to supply the sector. 80% of supported businesses responded positively to the management and administration of the product and 46% stated very good. Consultees explored difficulties such as administrative burden, lack of marketing and resource constraints. Three companies reported an increased turnover in their Scottish operation due to receiving support from OWES, one company attributed an increase of £0.5m to OWES. Three companies also reported an increase in employment in their Scottish operation, one reported that the growth was of 1 FTE. Economic impact of the product were estimated £2.9m (GVA). Overall, perceived quality from consultees was high, regarding the product as being able to provide companies.


The product should be redesigned and repositioned to fill areas that have been consistently identified as gaps during the stakeholder consultations. It should split into two strands: i) provision of very early basic information for companies to help them explore moving into OSW; and ii) filling the gap of helping companies ability to win contracts through identifying opportunities and tendering etc.

Author Bellerby Economics; Jean Hamilton Limited; IBP Strategy & Research
Published Year 2023
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support, Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Sectors