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Scot2Ger: Development of a Green Hydrogen Supply Chain from Scotland to Germany


Scot2Ger examined the German demand for zero-emission hydrogen and how it might be met by Scottish producers of green hydrogen with findings highlighting faster growth in company demand than initially expected.


The study for analysing the Scottish production and export potential was led by a team of Scottish and German companies and funded by ScottishPower, Wood, Scottish Enterprise and South of Scotland Enterprise and also supported by Scottish Government and Highlands and Islands Enterprise. On the other side David Scrimgeour and KPMG AG Germany supported Scottish Enterprise in assessing the German market potential.


The result of a ‘Scot2Ger’ study has found that Scotland is perfectly placed to become an exporter of green hydrogen to a ready-made market in Germany. The initial demonstration-phase demand from Germany is likely to be more than 500MW before 2030, thus aligning the rapid scale up of production in Scotland and demand for use in German markets. The report builds on economic analysis from Scottish Enterprise around the potential of green hydrogen technology, infrastructure and assets to transform Scotland’s energy sector last year and follows the publication of green hydrogen studies outlining the requirements for sites in Scotland.


The findings highlighted the economic potential around faster growth in demand than initially expected, which falls in line with Scotland’s ambitions to scale up production. Analysis around the initial demand from three identified German use cases was found to be around 33 tonnes per day by early 2025 rising to 58 tonnes a day by 2027, before reaching 200 tonnes by 2030. Liquid hydrogen or ammonia was found likely to be preferred, particularly given Germany’s increased urgency to move away from fossil fuels given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The study also predicted growing demand and production as green hydrogen costs continue to fall, technologies advance in efficiency, and the uses of hydrogen increase across the global economy in the period from 2030-2050. It also examined the logistical challenges in transporting hydrogen from Scottish ports, the landing of the clean fuel in major European ports and the distribution to end customers across Germany. The work included technical and economic analyses of moving hydrogen as a compressed gas as well as in liquid forms such as ammonia, liquid hydrogen and in liquid organic carriers (LOHC). It identified Aberdeen, Cromarty and Forth and Clyde as potential early export locations, with preferred import ports at Wilhelmshaven, Lower Saxony, as well as Rotterdam in the Netherlands, Europe’s largest seaport.

Author Scottish Power
Published Year 2022
Report Type Research
  • Sectors
  • Internationalisation