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Blockchain in Scotland: Landscape Overview


This paper provides an overview of the Scottish Blockchain Landscape and existing ecosystem and explores the economic opportunities that blockchain technology can present for Scotland. Additional resources can also be found via the following link


The methodology consisted of desk research and analytics. The company utilises sophisticated multidimensional frameworks and algorithmic methods that combine hundreds of specially designed and specifically weighted metrics and parameters to deliver insightful market intelligence, pragmatic forecasting, and tangible industry benchmarking.


Blockchain technology has the potential to significantly boost Scotland's economic growth and create personal value across various sectors. Blockchain technology can contribute £4.48 billion to Scotland's GDP by 2030* through information openness, economic savings, and usage. The widespread adoption of blockchain will lead to improvements in supply chain activities, healthcare systems, and financial transactions, ultimately enhancing national wealth. There are currently 60 Blockchain centric companies, 78 Investors, 86 leaders and 33 hubs with a Blockchain focus in Scotland with key economic opportunities highlighted across 7 sectors – Agriculture, Manufacturing, Health, FMCG, Space, Energy and Education. Other areas where Blockchain could have significant impact also include the creative industries and cyber security. A number of key benefits, features and challenges of Blockchain technology were also summarised in the report along with regional analysis and case studies to demonstrate how the technology can be applied across different industries in Scotland.


The report makes no recommendations.

Author Deep Knowledge Analytics
Published Year 2023
Report Type Research
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies