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Community Enterprise

Community Enterprise provides free business support to social enterprises, from individual social entrepreneurs and emerging social enterprises to established trading organisations. 

It also supports non-trading entities that want to start to trade, or those that are considering new activity and change in an entrepreneurial culture.  

It can provide free consultancy through a range of frameworks, and runs a national capacity-building programme called Accelerate to establish and increase trading at a local level. 

Community Enterprise also co-ordinates elements of the social enterprise ecosystem to support groups in crisis with four areas of expertise – community development, business consultancy, digital consultancy, and branding and marketing. 


  • Main Target Audience - Entrepreneurs, Founders and early start ups, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Social enterprises and nonprofits
  • Growth Stage - Pre-start/ideation stage, Start up/Pre-Seed, Seed stage, Early growth stage (Series A), Growth - Scale (Series B+)
  • Industry Focus - Agriculture/agritech, AI/robotics, Biotech, Data/tech, Financial services/fintech, Food & drink industries, Energy (including renewables), Life sciences/human health, Manufacturing (any industry), Photonics, Quantum, Radio and Semiconductors, Space industries, Tourism
  • Support Type - Strategic business advice, Community/networks
  • Location - Scotland wide