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Join Scotland's energy transition manufacturing supply chain

The energy transition presents a huge opportunity for manufacturers. Find out how you can seize this opportunity – and how we can help you.

Manufacturing opportunities in Scotland's energy transition 

For manufacturers, the energy transition offers the most significant growth opportunity of the next 20 years. 

If you want to scale and grow in the clean energy space – whether you already work in energy or you're looking for opportunities in new areas – there's support available.

Watch our video to learn more about Scotland's fast-growing energy transition opportunity.

Interested in the energy transition supply chain? Our team can help you get started.

Get in touch

How manufacturers drive the energy transition

Hear from Jerome Finlayson, our Head of High Value Manufacturing, who describes the huge opportunity that the energy transition creates for Scotland's manufacturers. Learn about key focus areas, challenges and the support we can offer you.

Learn about the role of manufacturers 

Energy transition manufacturing success stories

Hear from companies that we've helped take advantage of energy transition opportunities.

Smart Green Shipping

Smart Green Shipping has designed a 100% renewable wingsail for commercial vehicles, which can reduce emissions by 20%. Watch our video:


FoundOcean used to produce solutions that helped secure oil and gas platforms. Now, the company has brought this technology to the offshore wind sector – with potential to move into carbon capture and hydrogen. Watch our video:

Thermoelectric Conversion Systems Ltd

Thermoelectric Conversion Systems has developed a zero-emission heating and cooling system for commercial and private properties. Watch our video:

Read more success stories

Learn more about the companies joining Scotland's energy transition supply chain.

Energy transition reports and factsheets

Get detailed information about energy transition industries.

Offshore wind supply chain factsheets

Offshore Wind Scotland has published a set of factsheets for manufacturers. These can help you:

  • See whether your company's skills and experience can transfer to offshore wind
  • Learn about weights, lengths and quantities of common sub-components
  • Identify untapped opportunities in the sector

Get the factsheetsopens in a new window 

Hydrogen industry reports

Scotland is investing in hydrogen. This means there's a huge opportunity to develop Scotland’s capacity to produce, distribute, store, use and export hydrogen.

We publish detailed hydrogen industry reports on Evaluations Online.

Learn how heavy industry could use hydrogen to decarbonise its energy-intensive processes, and which sectors are best suited to take advantage.

This study explains the most likely industrial offtakers, their location in Scotland, and the level of demand.

Read the report  

The transport industry has been one of the earliest hydrogen adopters in Scotland. But how likely is each of its sectors to adopt hydrogen as a low-carbon fuel? 

This report estimates and maps the potential demand for hydrogen in Scotland up until 2045.

Read the report  

Scotch whisky distilleries want to become more sustainable – and hydrogen is one way they can do this.

This study helps to clarify the types of hydrogen projects distilleries may consider, as well as their requirements and costs.

Read the report  

There's potential to produce green hydrogen all across Scotland.

This study highlights a range of sites where land, power and water requirements make the production of green hydrogen possible.

Read the report  

Programmes and funds for clean energy manufacturers

Explore the support you can get as an energy transition manufacturer in Scotland.

Get in touch

We can help you access opportunities in the energy transition supply chain. Get in touch with our team to get started.

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