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Evaluation of Forth Valley Education Business Partnership: final report


The Forth Valley Education Business Partnership (FVEBP) aimed to: provide a keener awareness among school pupils and students of the demands and opportunities of the workplace; develop a greater understanding of the changing world of work among teachers; and raise understanding in the employing community of how schools and colleges have been developing and changing. The evaluation aimed to: assess progress towards specific targets in the Business Plans; identify improvements to the scope and delivery of Forth Valley Education Business Partnership (FVEBP) projects; and identify strategic issues to help in the development of the FVEBP business planning process.


The methodology consisted of a review of key documents and consultations with partners and key players, and other EBPs.


Compact is the most important single FVEBP project in terms of cost and management time. Statistical indicators show that Compact has contributed to positive impacts on absences, staying on rates, exam results, entry to further or higher education, and access to training and jobs. Finds there are some indications that improvements could be made. Notes that the other projects were generally seen in a positive light and there are limited opportunities to identify improvements.


In terms of setting and meeting quantifiable targets FVEBP has a high success rate but targets set out in Business Plans could better reflect the aims and objectives of the EBP. Partial refocusing of the activities of Compact to better reach those who need help the most would be appropriate in view of an increased emphasis on ‘disaffected’ young people. Recommends that project development does not support an increase in scope but rather a stronger focus and more effective targeting of activities. Advises that stability of funding is important. Concludes that key local authority partners need to have a greater sense of ownership. Advises that there are a number of areas in which the EBP is well placed to translate the long term strategy for economic development in Forth Valley.

Author Training and Employment Research Unit, University of Glasgow
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Social enterprise
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development