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Evaluation of Tourism Training in the Scottish Borders 1996 – 2000


Tourism Training Scotland (TTS) aimed to create a training culture, enhance professional standards, and improve access to quality training. The evaluation aimed to consider tourism training activities and assess the impact of these activities upon the tourism business, their employees, and the overall Scottish Borders tourism product.


The methodology consisted of: an analysis of original (inadequate) raw data from a previous; a telephone survey questionnaire of 100 target businesses; and a comparative appraisal of the surveys.


Presents detailed results from the two surveys. Results from the second survey include: 75% of respondents or their staff had undertaken training (a much higher than expected figure); 33% undertook training to improve standards and 30% to comply with legislation; 45% planned to do training in the near future; 67% of those not doing training gave the reason as ‘it was not necessary’; and 39% highlighted skill gaps - the most frequently cited being an IT ‘gap’ (63%).


Does not contain any recommendations.

Author Ray Hopper Associates
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development
  • Sectors