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Evaluation of Learning and Enterprise Partnership: final report


The Get into Enterprise (GiE) programme was used in Dumfries and Galloway to rekindle the spirit of enterprise in the community, following the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease. The evaluation aimed to: consider how effectively the programme had been introduced and used locally; examine value for money, achievement of contract targets and any additional outcomes attained; and draw conclusions and make recommendations.


The methodology consisted of: interviews with tutors, participants and interested parties, mainly within the region; and examination of relevant documentation by SED&G, the contractors and Careers Scotland.


Finds that most measurable targets have been achieved or exceeded and in this respect SED&G has obtained value for money. The number of approved tutors has been significantly increased and the contractors have encouraged very flexible use of the materials. Suggests that although GiE has been used extensively with clients, often this has been limited. Observes that GiE has worked well with SIGs, with learning/behavioural support pupils, with the Barony College and with special activities. It has worked less well with Dumfries and Galloway College and with the HE sector. Observes GiE has probably had least impact on existing businesses. Suggests other FE sector examples are worth examining.


Recommends that GiE should be more readily available to academically able school pupils and interconnect with the revised version of Young Enterprise. Recommends changing the emphasis at HE level from targeting undergraduates to targeting graduates. Envisions a role for GiE with New Deal clients opting for self-employment prior to them moving into the SBG system. Recommends that a strategic overview of all enterprise activities should take place at local level before new contracts are issued and that other forthcoming changes and initiatives be taken into account.

Author Bruce Clarke Associates
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
  • Equity
    Rural Development
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development