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Evaluation of the Graduate Attraction Scheme


The Graduate Attraction Scheme was a three year project set up by the UK Offshore Operators Association (UKOOA), the Department for Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Scottish Enterprise (SE) Energy Team to attract high achieving graduates into the UK oil and gas industry, in reaction to the perceived shortage of young people entering technical and engineering courses at university. The evaluation aimed to: collate inputs and outputs; quantify outcomes and short-term economic benefits; assess the intervention's net impact, whether it met its objectives and how well it was project-managed; and make recommendations on how future interventions could be more effective.


The following research activities were undertaken: a review of approval papers, background documentation and internal evaluation material; a review of management information on the programme's performance to date; and consultations with the project manager and key stakeholders.


The evaluation found that the project was largely delivered on budget and both students and companies responded well to the events held, although there was no way of tracking the actions of students following events to measure impact on the industry. The scheme could have proceeded without SE funding, but this funding allowed for the production of CDs which gave students the chance to find out more about the industry after the event. Good advertising and university liaison was found to be critical to the success of events.


It was recommended that: there be mechanisms put in place to track the activity of students after events, so economic impact could be measured; a more detailed process linking monitoring to evaluation be developed; and that the scope of the scheme be widened to include schools and colleges.

Author GEN Consulting; Research Resource
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development