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Research, evaluation and insight

Our research, evaluation and insight provides a publicly accessible collection of evaluation and research reports from Scottish Enterprise. The reports cover all aspects of Scottish Enterprise's economic development activities and are available for download at no cost.

  • Economic Commentary – June 2022 (2022)

    The Economic Commentary provides a monthly update on global, UK and Scottish economic trends, drawing on recent economic data as well as feedback from businesses.
    Scottish Enterprise
    People/talent attraction
    Skills Development
  • Economic Research alert – June 2022 (2022)

    This paper provides an overview of research in the public domain with a focus on the priorities from the Scottish Enterprise Business Plan (jobs, net zero, place) – there is also a section on general business surveys
    Scottish Enterprise
    Supporting key sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Financial and business services
  • Scot2Ger: Development of a Green Hydrogen Supply Chain from Scotland to Germany (2022)

    Scot2Ger examined the German demand for zero-emission hydrogen and how it might be met by Scottish producers of green hydrogen with findings highlighting faster growth in company demand than initially expected.
    Scottish Power
  • Opportunity for Scottish Pharmaceutical Service Companies in Microbiome Drug Discovery and Development (2022)

    The microbiome has emerged as a potential untapped therapeutic target in a number of diseases.
    Evolution Bioscience
    Sector-level support
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Life Sciences
  • Challenges for space: harnessing space technologies for the benefit of Scotland - executive summary (2022)

    To identify and understand real challenges facing the Scottish public sector and key industries in Scotland which represent opportunities for the Scottish space industry to provide affordable solutions which could then be exported to similar users worldwide.
    London Economics
  • Employee-Owned Business Census 2022 (2022)

    To undertake a census of all employee-owned businesses (EOB & worker co-operatives) operating in Scotland (as at 5.
    University of Leeds
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Food and drink
    Financial and business services
    Forest industries
    Life Sciences
  • Economic Commentary – May 2022 (2022)

    The Economic Commentary provides a monthly update on global, UK and Scottish economic trends, drawing on recent economic data as well as feedback from businesses.
    Scottish Enterprise
    People/talent attraction
    Skills Development
  • Economic Research alert – May 2022 (2022)

    This paper provides an overview of research in the public domain with a focus on the priorities from the Scottish Enterprise Business Plan (jobs, net zero, place) – there is also a section on general business surveys.
    Scottish Enterprise
    Supporting key sectors
    Food and drink
  • Economic Commentary - April 2022 (2022)

    The Economic Commentary provides a monthly update on global, UK and Scottish economic trends, drawing on recent economic data as well as feedback from businesses.
    Scottish Enterprise
    People/talent attraction
    Skills Development
  • Economic Research alert - April 2022 (2022)

    This paper provides an overview of research in the public domain with a focus on the priorities from the Scottish Enterprise Business Plan (jobs, net zero, place) – there is also a section on general business surveys.
    Scottish Enterprise
    People/talent attraction
    Skills Development
  • Hydrogen Production and Export Locations: Site Requirements Study (2022)

    The study was undertaken to provide further detail on site requirements for large scale hydrogen production to inform site development considerations.
    Scottish Enterprise
    Sector-level support
    Sustainable development
  • Aquaculture and Floating Offshore Wind - Potential Synergies - Report (2022)

    The report was commissioned for a client group of Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
    Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE)
    Supporting key sectors
    Sector-level support
  • Development of Early Hydrogen in Scotland (2021)

    The report was commissioned by Scottish Enterprise and undertaken by the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult and the Net Zero Technology Centre, who assessed the global market, competition, technology, locations, infrastructure and export opportunities for the development of both green and blue hydrogen technologies to meet the demand for Scottish hydrogen in the next decade.
    Energy Transition Alliance (ETA)
    Sector-level support
    Internationalisation of Scottish businesses
  • Opportunity for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines in Floating Offshore Wind (2021)

    This publication and its contents was commissioned by Scottish Enterprise and produced by a consortia of NSRI, Subsea UK, University of Strathclyde and Wood.
    Scottish Enterprise
    Sustainable development
  • Economic Commentary - March 2022 (2022)

    The Economic Commentary provides a monthly update on global, UK and Scottish economic trends, drawing on recent economic data as well as feedback from businesses.
    Scottish Enterprise
    People/talent attraction
  • Economic Research alert - March 2022 (2022)

    This paper provides an overview of research in the public domain with a focus on the priorities from the Scottish Enterprise Business Plan (jobs, net zero, place) – there is also a section on covid and Brexit.
    Scottish Enterprise
    People/talent attraction
    Skills Development
  • Net Zero challenges and digital ClimateTech opportunities study: summary report (2022)

    This report investigates the most significant Net Zero challenges that have the potential to be addressed by digital ClimateTech solutions.
    Optimat Limited
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Sustainable development
  • Life Sciences in Scotland Industry Leadership Group Digital & Data Subgroup Opportunities and Priorities – Final Report (2021)

    The report was commissioned by Scottish Enterprise’s Health for Wealth team on behalf of the Digital and Data subgroup of the Life Sciences Scotland Industry Leadership Group (ILGDD).
    Scottish Enterprise
    Supporting key sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Life Sciences
    Sector-level support
  • Economic Commentary - February 2022 (2022)

    The Economic Commentary provides a monthly update on global, UK and Scottish economic trends, drawing on recent economic data as well as feedback from businesses.
    Scottish Enterprise
    People/talent attraction
  • Economic Research alert - February 2022 (2022)

    This paper provides an overview of research in the public domain with a focus on the priorities from the Scottish Enterprise Business Plan (jobs, net zero, place) – there is also a section on covid and Brexit.
    Scottish Enteprise
    People/talent attraction
  • Economic Research alert - January 2022 (2022)

    This paper provides an overview of research in the public domain with a focus on the priorities from the Scottish Enterprise Business Plan (jobs, net zero, place) – there is also a section on covid and Brexit.
    Scottish Enterprise
    People/talent attraction
  • Scottish Gaelic in Business (2021)

    Exploratory work on the language and whether there is any research on the benefit to businesses.
    Scottish Enterprise
    People/talent attraction
  • Economic Commentary - January 2022 (2022)

    The Economic Commentary provides a monthly update on global, UK and Scottish economic trends, drawing on recent economic data as well as feedback from businesses.
    Scottish Enterprise
    People/talent attraction
  • Scotland’s Economic Performance (2021)

    This research uses a number of different economic indicators to provide a comparison of Scotland’s economic performance compared with other OECD countries.
    Scottish Enterprise
    People/talent attraction
  • Scotland’s Economic Performance - Analysis of OCED Rankings over Time (2022)

    The research looked at a number of different indicators over a 10- year period: Productivity, Employment, Exports, Business Capital Investment, GERD and BERD and considered the changing in quartile rankings across each for Scotland and other OECD nations.
    Scottish Enterprise
    People/talent attraction

Impact appraisal and evaluation guidance

Read our impact appraisal and evaluation guidance to learn more about how we create these reports.

This guidance helps us ensure that any impact assessment for our projects and programmes uses consistent methodologies and is undertaken in a transparent way.

The full guidance is available as a PDF.