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Research, evaluation and insight

Search our publicly accessible collection of evaluation and research reports. These reports cover all aspects of Scottish Enterprise's economic development activities and are available for download at no cost.

  • Encouraging Dynamic Global Entrepreneurs (EDGE) (2008)

    The Encouraging Dynamic Global Entrepreneurs (EDGE) programme is a transnational project managed by Scottish Enterprise (SE), the aim of which is to enhance growth in Scottish businesses whilst encouraging and developing the entrepreneurial skills and confidence of participating students and school pupils.
    EKOS Limited
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Skills Development
  • Review of the Regional Support and Student Entrepreneurship Programmes (2008)

    The Regional Support Programme was given funding by Scottish Enterprise (SE) in 2006, for a period of three years.
    EKOS Limited
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
  • EPIS Phase 2 Evaluation: final report (2008)

    The Edinburgh Pre-Incubator Scheme (EPIS) is a highly successful initiative for the University of Edinburgh, which is widely regarded as a cost-effective way of marshalling local resources such as academic departments and business people to help innovators take ideas forward.
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
  • Review of the property market for science and technology in Glasgow (2003)

    The evaluation aimed to assist Scottish Enterprise Glasgow (SEG) understand in more detail the likely market for property from science and technology companies and to provide market intelligence regarding current and likely future demand for land and property in the technology sector.
    Ekos Ltd
    Supporting key sectors
  • Cavalry Park, Peebles: evaluation phase 2 (2009)

    Cavalry Park, on the south eastern outskirts of the Borders town of Peebles, was originally acquired by the then Scottish Development Agency to attract single user inward investment.
    PRA Consultancy
    Area regeneration
    Supporting key sectors
    Inward investment
  • Evaluation of the e-Business Centre at the University of Paisley (2002)

    The e-Business Centre (e-BC) at the University of Paisley opened in 2000 as Scotland’s first dedicated e-BC – providing access to technology, expertise and staff resources to help small and medium sized businesses(SMEs) in the West of Scotland develop their e-business activities.
    JLH Consulting
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Skills Development
  • A review of Scottish Enterprise Lanarkshire’s Aftercare and Supported Level 2 Pilot (2005)

    Aftercare is the concept of helping participants on employability schemes progress in work after the initial transition into work.
    Insight Collective
    Skills Development
    Economic Inclusion
  • Evaluation of cluster support for nanotechnology: III-V MOSFET Nanoelectronics - Report to Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian (2007)

    The Scottish Enterprise (SE) Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Cluster Team (MOCT) funded two projects at the University of Glasgow related to III-V MOSFET technology: the Circuit Design project and the Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM) project.
    SQW Consulting
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
  • Strategic Review of Scottish Enterprise Incubation Support (2009)

    The aim of the evaluation was to review the incubation support offered by Scottish Enterprise (SE).
    SQW Consulting
    High growth entrepreneurship
    Company building
  • Evaluation of ‘Ask the Expert’ workshops (2006)

    Scottish Enterprise Grampian (SEGr) established Ask the Expert Workshops as a response to research which found that most small business failures occur at the three year stage, at around the time that business start-up support is withdrawn.
    SQW Limited
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of EDGE 2007: economic impact update - report for Scottish Enterprise Dunbartonshire (2008)

    The EDGE 2007 programme aimed to support the development and growth of local businesses.
    Frontline Consultants
    Local/community regeneration
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of EDGE 2007: Stage 1 report for Scottish Enterprise Dunbartonshire (2007)

    EDGE 2007 was an eight week transnational entrepreneurship programme developed by Scottish Enterprise (SE) Dunbartonshire to support the development and growth of local businesses; provide young people with access to an intensive personal and professional learning experience; and promote enterprise by providing knowledge and encouragement in take-up of entrepreneurialism.
    Frontline Consultants
    Local/community regeneration
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Internationalisation of Scottish businesses
    Skills Development
  • Evaluation of lean management: final report to Scottish Enterprise Grampian (2006)

    The Lean Management Programme (LMP) was developed to assist companies with implementing actions to achieve continuous, sustained productivity improvement.
    SQW Limited
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Evaluation of support for NESTRANS: report to Scottish Enterprise Grampian (2006)

    The North East Transport Partnership (NESTRANS) was the first of Scotland’s voluntary regional partnerships, formed to deliver transport improvements across the North East of Scotland.
    SQW Limited
    Area regeneration
    Supporting key sectors
    Sector-level support
  • Evaluation of Wireless Innovation Project: a final report to Scottish Enterprise (2008)

    The Wireless Innovation Project (WIP) was established in 2003 to overcome barriers to entry for Scotland based firms operating in the Wireless space, providing technical support, market research and business development.
    O’Herlihy & Co Ltd
    Supporting key sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Impact assessment of the Trade Missions and Business Seminars to Central European Markets and Israel (2007)

    Business Gateway International Lothian (BGI Lothian) is the arm of Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian (SEEL) concerned with supporting SMEs to increase their international trade.
    John G Mitchell; Robb Fordyce Organisational Development
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Internationalisation of Scottish businesses
  • Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service strategic and operational review: final report (2008)

    The Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service (SMAS) is a dedicated programme of support for the manufacturing industry, primarily targeted at small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) although it also assists a proportion of larger organisations.
    O’Herlihy & Co Ltd
    Supporting key sectors
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Stem Cell Monitoring and Evaluation Framework: final report (2008)

    The Scottish Stem Cell Intervention Framework (SCIF) is a joint venture supported by the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise (SE), universities, private companies and individuals, the aim of which is to establish Scotland as one of the leading world locations for stem cell activity.
    SQW Consulting
    Life Sciences
  • Supply Chain Improvement Programme (2004)

    The Supply Chain Improvement Programme (SCIP) comprises a series of workshops led by experienced manufacturing consultants and uses a comprehensive database of performance metrics against which firms’ performance can be compared.
    O’Herlihy & Co. Ltd
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Training for Work: final evaluation (2003)

    Training for Work (TfW) is a voluntary training and employability programme for long-term unemployed adults over the age of 25, run by Scottish Enterprise Tayside (SET).
    GEN Consulting
    Skills Development
    Economic Inclusion
  • Aberdeenshire Countryside Access Strategy: an evaluation (2001)

    Aberdeenshire Council developed the Aberdeenshire Countryside Access Strategy to promote a network of public access routes through the countryside.
    EKOS Limited; Land Use Consultants
    Supporting key sectors
    Rural Development
    Sustainable development
  • Activity-based impact model: estimates of SE Network performance 2001-02 (2002)

    Assesses the use of a new model for estimating the impacts of Scottish Enterprise Network’s activities and establishing more accurate benchmarks for the unit cost of assistance through the use of the body of evidence from Scottish Enterprise’s monitoring system (KMIS) on the scale of activity the Network is undertaking.
    Cambridge Policy Consultants
  • Adult Guidance report (2002)

    The Adult Guidance service, run under the Scottish Enterprise Renfrewshire (SER) contract with Renfrewshire Careers Partnership (RCPL), aimed to provide a service to young people and adults, using economies of scale to provide a more geographically dispersed service and better link with educational and community establishments.
    Ross Clark, Gordon Robertson (Matrix Management Consultancy)
    Skills Development
    Economic Inclusion
  • Alloa Initiative Partnership evaluation: a report for the Alloa Initiative Partnership (2003)

    The Alloa Initiative Partnership aimed to bring benefits in terms of employment creation and economic regeneration for the Clackmannanshire and wider Forth Valley areas, while also assisting Tesco Stores in meeting recruitment needs at its Alloa outlet.
    Ronald W McQuaid, Malcolm Greig, Colin Lindsay (Employment Research Institute, Napier University)
    Area regeneration
    Skills Development
    Economic Inclusion
  • An evaluation of training for farmer directors of co-operatives (2003)

    SAOS developed and piloted a training programme designed for farmers holding non-executive directorships of agricultural co-operatives.
    Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society (SAOS) Ltd
    Sector-level support
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Food and drink
    Skills Development
    Leadership/management development

Impact appraisal and evaluation guidance

Read our impact appraisal and evaluation guidance to learn more about how we create these reports.

This guidance helps us ensure that any impact assessment for our projects and programmes uses consistent methodologies and is undertaken in a transparent way.

The full guidance is available as a PDF.