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Research, evaluation and insight

Search our publicly accessible collection of evaluation and research reports. These reports cover all aspects of Scottish Enterprise's economic development activities and are available for download at no cost.

  • Ardrossan Harbour Masterplan: evaluation (2005)

    The Ardrossan Harbour Masterplan aimed to maximise the potential of the Marina and attract further private developments that would broaden the local economy and introduce new employment to the area.
    EKOS Limited
    Area regeneration
  • Area regeneration in Hawick and Eyemouth: project evaluation and economic impact - a final report to Scottish Borders Council. Version 1.0 (2004)

    The Hawick Regeneration Initiative (The Hawick Partnership) and Eyemouth East Berwickshire Partnership (EEBP), Objective 2 funded area projects, aimed to build community confidence and capacity, and help to deliver community, economic development, tourism and small scale infrastructure projects in line with regeneration strategies.
    Biggar Economics
    Area regeneration
    Local/community regeneration
    Sustainable development
  • Asia Pacific Initiative: evaluation study - final report (2002)

    The Asia Pacific initiative (API) was established in November 1999 as part of SE Tayside’s export development initiative in order to develop Asian markets.
    Tayside Economic Research Centre
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Internationalisation of Scottish businesses
  • Assessing the impact of the Business Development Strategy (2002)

    Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian’s (SEE&L) Business Development Strategy aimed to provide: ‘account management’ of companies; a proactive targeting of companies; and a consistent process of support.
    SQW Limited; Alan Brazewell Economic Consultancy; T L Dempster
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Assessment of the Scottish Weaving Centre, Castlehill (2000)

    The Scottish Weaving Centre was developed with the aim of providing Edinburgh with a new visitor attraction based on the history of the Scottish weaving industry, to be located at the top of the Royal Mile at Castlehill.
    SQW Limited
    Area regeneration
    Supporting key sectors
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Ayrshire Business in the Community: evaluation report (2003)

    Ayrshire Business in the Community (AbiC) was established in early 2000 as a partnership involving Scottish Enterprise Ayrshire (SEA) and the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), supported by Scottish Business in the Community (SbiC).
    Janet Hamilton Associates
    Area regeneration
    Local/community regeneration
    Economic Inclusion
  • Ayrshire Internationalisation Programme evaluation 2001 - 2003 (2003)

    The Ayrshire Internationalisation Programme, run by the Ayrshire Export Partnership (AEP) aimed to provide SMEs in Ayrshire a co-ordinated network of support for both potential and existing exporters.
    Hall Aitken
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Internationalisation of Scottish businesses
  • Ayrshire Key Fund: evaluation report (2004)

    The Ayrshire Key Fund aimed to encourage the growth of community based organisations and the contribution that they make to regeneration activities, by improving access to European Structural Funds.
    MCM Associates Limited
    Local/community regeneration
    Support to existing/growth businesses
    Social enterprise
    Sustainable development
  • Behind the Label: eighteen month review (2001)

    Scottish Enterprise Borders (SEB) obtained funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for a two year initiative designed to attract talented young people into the Scottish textile industry, branded ‘Behind the Label’.
    P W Communications
    Sector-level support
    People/talent attraction
    Skills Development
  • BioDundee brand evaluation: final report (2002)

    BioDundee is an umbrella marketing organisation for the biotechnology sector in Dundee.
    Tayside Economic Research Centre
    Sector-level support
    Life Sciences
  • Broadband Satellite Pilot: final report (2003)

    The project, run by SE Borders, SE Dumfries and Galloway, and later by SE Forth Valley, aimed to test the suitability of broadband satellite delivery and assist in establishing a sustainable and affordable means of broadband for peripheral areas.
    Yvonne Gray, YG Consultancy
    Supporting key sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Sector-level support
  • BT Programme evaluation: final programme report. Version 3.3, final (2005)

    Scottish Enterprise’s Business Transformation Programme (BTP) aimed to begin a transformational approach of business process re-design that would drive a number of operating benefits for SE, both in terms of service improvement and efficiency gains.
  • Burns Festival May 2002: impact assessment (2002)

    The Burns Festival took place in Ayr between 27 April and 5 May 2002.
    Moffat Centre for Travel and Tourism Business Development, Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Burns festival, May 2003: impact assessment (2003)

    The ‘Burns and a’ that’ festival aimed to celebrate Scottish creativity and the arts by: raising awareness of Robert Burns, contemporary Scottish culture, Ayrshire and Scotland; generating additional bed-nights in Ayrshire; deriving economic benefits from the event; and providing a positive platform for the attraction of private sponsorship in future years.
    Moffat Centre for Travel and Tourism Business Development
  • Business Gateway Fife value for money audit (2004)

    The main goal of the audit was to see if the award of the Business Gateway Fife (BGF) contract on a non-competitive basis represented value for money.
    Keith Hayton and Michelle Myron (Gen Consulting)
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Business Gateway strategic review (2006)

    The evaluation was commissioned prior to the Business Gateway contract being put out for tender in 2007.
    Keith Hayton and Chris Boyd (GEN Consulting)
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Business Mentoring Scotland: a review (2001)

    The Business Mentoring Scotland (BMS) programme aimed to provide mentoring services to over 100 companies of varying age and activity, attracting the goodwill support of some 100 experienced business people.
    Policy Research Network
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Cavalry Park, Peebles impact evaluation (2005)

    Cavalry Park is a business park in Peebles, located within a landscaped setting.
    PRA Economic Development Consultants
    Area regeneration
    Supporting key sectors
    Inward investment
  • Chair of Tourism evaluation (2004)

    The Chair in Tourism at the University of Stirling aimed to: research into aspects of tourism and establish a tourism research centre; lead tourism degree courses and integrate tourism with existing courses; establish the Chair of Tourism as an independent ‘think tank’ for the tourism industry; and establish linkages with business clients.
    Peggy Purves, Neil Kitching (Scottish Enterprise Forth Valley)
    Sector-level support
  • Clusters literature review (2008)

    Scottish Enterprise (SE) commissioned EKOS to undertake a review of the literature SE holds on the subject of clusters.
    EKOS Limited
    Sector-level support
    Business innovation
    Innovation system
  • Clusters review (2002)

    The Scottish Enterprise (SE) Network pioneered the ‘cluster’ method of supporting industries in Scotland.
    SE Knowledge Management
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
    Food and drink
    Life Sciences
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Comparison of the value for money from labour market programmes (2007)

    The evaluation looked at existing information on labour market programmes operating in Glasgow and the West of Scotland: ‘Glasgow Works’ and ‘Training for Work’.
    Cambridge Policy Consultants
    Skills Development
    Economic Inclusion
  • Contract review: Scottish Enterprise Renfrewshire Growth Programme (2003)

    The Growth Programme, part of the wider Gateway Service, aimed to support companies that had significant potential to grow and that had made a demonstrable commitment to growth.
    O’Herlihy and Co Ltd
    High growth entrepreneurship
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Core Skills pilot project 2003 / 2004: evaluation report (2004)

    The Workforce Development Programme Core Skills Pilot aimed to look at the effectiveness of two differing approaches to training in Core Skills – a traditional classroom style approach and a supported e-learning approach.
    PSP Consulting Limited
    Skills Development
  • Corporate headquarters in Scotland: their nature and contribution to Scotland's economic development (2005)

    The evaluation aimed to: identify the direct and indirect contribution of HQ functions to the Scottish economy, including indigenous and externally controlled HQs; set out the factors driving change in the nature and role of corporate HQs; identify emerging HQ models, the factors which determine the location of HQs and their potential mobility; suggest an HQ market segmentation to inform Scottish Enterprise’s operations; and draw out the strategic and operational implications for Scottish…
    Ron Botham; David Clelland; Training and Employment Research Unit, University of Glasgow
    Inward investment

Impact appraisal and evaluation guidance

Read our impact appraisal and evaluation guidance to learn more about how we create these reports.

This guidance helps us ensure that any impact assessment for our projects and programmes uses consistent methodologies and is undertaken in a transparent way.

The full guidance is available as a PDF.