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Evaluation of the Scottish Offshore Achievement Awards: final report


The Scottish Offshore Achievement Awards (SOAA), run by Scottish Enterprise Grampian (SEG), were revised in 1997. Regarded as unique within the industry, the redesigned Awards were strongly promoted. The programme aimed to include: a recognition of firms’ efforts; an assessment of firms by members of their peer group; and an opportunity for firms to benchmark themselves with the best in class. The evaluation aimed to: establish the benefits derived through making and receiving the Awards (including subsidiary benefits for the private sector sponsors); and identify the options open to SE should it reduce or stop its current funding to the Awards programme.


The methodology consisted of: background consultations with SEG staff responsible for promoting and managing the Awards Programme; a survey of participating firms, covering both successful and unsuccessful applicants; and interviews with most of the Awards sponsors.


The SOAA are generating a significant net impact for the successful firms and they offer scope for development and expansion. Firms were mainly satisfied with the structure and organisation of the Awards dinner. In quantitative terms, the programme generates in the order of £1.05 million of net sales and net employment of 26 in Scotland. Firms also identified significant qualitative benefits.


Feedback from sponsors and firms suggests that SE should proceed with caution should it wish to reduce its future support of the event. Recommends that SE should increase participation levels and capitalise on the Awards’ global potential. To increase the number of applications, SE could make greater use of its LEC and industry contacts, liaise with the SE Energy Team/Oil and Gas Cluster team to target groupings of firms, and encourage oil companies to contact their supply base. If application numbers rise, a pre-screening process should be introduced. Suggests there is scope to capitalise on the strong local brand image and promote this more widely.

Author O’Herlihy and Co Ltd
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses