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Find new customers and suppliers

As we navigate challenging times, many businesses are experiencing supply chain disruption and significant changes to customer behaviour. Find out how we can help you source new customers and suppliers and get up-to-the-minute market research.

Practical insights to boost your resilience

Using robust research has never been more important. At this time of unprecedented change, it can be difficult to understand what’s happening with your business sector, competitors and customers.

Our research service has a range of tools to help you build your plans for recovery on solid evidence. You can contact the team for:

  • Help finding new suppliers and customers
  • The latest research on post-pandemic growth opportunities 
  • Reports on the impact of economic challenges on industries across the globe
  • Insights on changing customer preferences and behaviours
  • Help conducting diligence on potential suppliers, partners and commercial customers

While we can’t provide individual contact details, our key reports can help you understand and predict customer behaviour. Whether you sell to companies or direct to consumers, our insights can help you develop your pitch and identify the right markets for you.

Please note that as a publicly funded agency, we operate a “fair usage” policy. This means that we can provide a small number of credit reports, but not on an ongoing or routine basis.

  • Domestic market research

    Are you developing new products or looking to grow? Our market research service offers free research for Scottish companies. Whether it’s up-to-the-minute UK market intelligence or in-depth company information, we can get high-quality information to you within five days.

  • How to find a supplier

    Recent events have disrupted production for manufacturing operations across the world, leading to supply chain challenges for companies in Scotland. If your supply chain is disrupted, find out about supply chain mapping and finding alternative suppliers.

  • International market research

    Looking for research on international markets? Our free research service can help you delve deeper into global market trends, customer behaviour and competitor activity. 

Want to find out more?

Get in touch with our research service to discuss the market, competitor and customer research you need to build your plans for recovery.

Submit an enquiry

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