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Asia Pacific Initiative: evaluation study - final report


The Asia Pacific initiative (API) was established in November 1999 as part of SE Tayside’s export development initiative in order to develop Asian markets. The evaluation was carried out to measure the economic impact of the initiative on the Tayside economy and the extent to which it promotes the aims of national and local strategy.


The methodology involved scoping interviews with key stakeholders, review of documents such as visit reports and strategy documents, business interviews and impact evaluation.


The evaluation finds that the API is consistent with both Scottish Executive and SE Tayside strategy on global connections and global growth and that it has achieved and exceeded its activity targets, and largely met the initial objectives set out for it. The creation of net additional export orders and jobs created via the API illustrate the significant contribution of the initiative to the Global Growth Strategy. Based on the business responses it is estimated that, at a minimum, the API has helped to generate an additional £2,347,000 in export orders over the operating period to the present time. However, as with previous geographically focussed initiatives it is suggested that there are likely to be diminishing returns from continued activity in the key Asia Pacific markets targeted (Japan, Korea, Taiwan). Overall there appears to be a consensus among those interviewed that the API has been working well, although there are some negative views on both strategic and operational aspects from national organisations.


Recommendations are made in relation to future geographically focussed initiatives, including: there will have to be considerable consultation and negotiation in order to gain support; the selection process for the next geographical focus of global growth activities should be rigorous and based on the size of the market and the potential opportunities for Tayside businesses; the attributes of the Area Business Executive are required for the initiative’s success; and it should be recognised where the value-added from geographically focussed global growth activities will be maximised.

Author Tayside Economic Research Centre
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Internationalisation
    Internationalisation of Scottish businesses