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Evaluation of Scottish Enterprise Getahead Shows


The Getahead project was commissioned by Scottish Enterprise (SE) as a series of roadshows designed to give careers advice to the wider working population. Five events took place in Ayrshire, Fife, Forth Valley, Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire between October 2000 and March 2001. They focused on employability and many support organisations were on hand. The evaluation was commissioned by SE to assess the extent that Getahead has been an effective mechanism in influencing attitudes to, and the take up of, learning opportunities. The findings of the study were to be used to prepare a plan for future activity with the aim of widening participation in learning.


Consultations were undertaken with organisers, partners and exhibitors. A postal questionnaire was used to survey clients.


Particular elements of the project worked well: the branding exercise, targeting, the product offering and partnership working. Several elements were found to be lacking, and in need of improvement: marketing communications planning, private sector involvement and certain aspects of show operations.


It was suggested that, with the advent of Learndirect Scotland and Careers Scotland, there may no longer be any need for the Getahead product in its current form. Duplication was identified as a problem, and there needed to be a change to the format. Possible developments to the product which were recommended were: enhanced recruitment opportunities; complementing existing national careers events; and smaller, localised events.

Author EKOS Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development