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Glasgow Works strategic review: final report


The Glasgow Works programme aimed to introduce an Intermediate Labour Market (ILM) approach, with a wider range of activities available to the long-term unemployed, and the devolution of project delivery to community-based and training organisations. The evaluation aimed to create an integrated programme for the adult unemployed, by developing a new model fitting with the wider provision available to the adult unemployed in the City and adding value to the provision available to the client group.


The methodology consisted of: an assessment of evaluation materials; one to one discussions with key players; group discussions with Glasgow Works projects and the Glasgow Works team; and 5 workshops with representatives of key current and potential funders.


Suggests that Glasgow Works has served the city’s long term unemployed well and provided valuable services in the process. Notes that the programme is believed to be: still largely focused on project-based ILM; too expensive; an uneasy mix of a programme working through projects; difficult to manage; but a very strong brand name. Concludes that the labour market has changed and the provision for the long term unemployed has developed. Considers that Glasgow Works needs to move forward and summarises the benefits of the redevelopment.


Proposes a redeveloped programme, retaining the existing brand name. The programme should: focus on a broader client group; enhance employability; become a menu of employability services; be steered and funded by a core group; and source key support services from existing projects. Recommends going through SE procedures to establish the new programme and setting up a new Glasgow Works Employability Partnership. Suggests there should be a discussion involving a wider set of partners to explore the possibility of a Glasgow Works Social Justice Partnership.

Author Cambridge Policy Consultants
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Economic Inclusion