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Contract review: Scottish Enterprise Renfrewshire Growth Programme


The Growth Programme, part of the wider Gateway Service, aimed to support companies that had significant potential to grow and that had made a demonstrable commitment to growth. The evaluation aimed to assess the performance of the contractor, rather than the economic impact of the programme.


The methodology consisted of briefing meetings with SE Renfrewshire and the Company Growth Team, and interviews with a 10% sample of firms.


Firms appear to positively rate the support received. Dissatisfaction was greatest when firms had a specific enquiry or required a specialist input. Notes that engagement letters was a positive development. Finds that some firms were unclear of when the input had finished. Indicates that the Company Growth Team has been effective in their overall processes, including the encouragement of firms to prepare action plans at the end of the BDR. Shows that just a third recalled having prepared an action plan. Separately, the SBG assist data shows an underperformance and may suggest that the Team is relatively efficient in achieving a positive outcome with their client firms.


Recommends that SER considers: stating more explicitly the limits in the scope of assistance that is available under through the Growth Programme; continuing with the policy of issuing engagement letters; continuing with closure visits; discussing each of the 29 cases with the Team; and ascertaining the definition, status and scope of the plans that have been prepared.

Author O’Herlihy and Co Ltd
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    High growth entrepreneurship, Support to existing/growth businesses