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Developing Get Ready for Work in rural areas


Get Ready for Work (GRfW) aimed to provide training and additional support to young people who otherwise ‘would be unable to access other training, learning or employment opportunities’ in Lanarkshire’s rural and remote areas. The evaluation aimed to: research the nature and scale of any problems in rural GRfW delivery; identify the key barriers in developing provision and ensuring access to the programme for young people; analyse the wider operating context; and detail some practical options to improve provision.


The methodology consisted of: background research; an analysis of the wider context; consultations and fieldwork; an options workshop; and the final report.


Suggests that Lanarkshire is operating a relatively better resourced and more successful programme in terms of outcomes than average across the SE area. Finds the outcomes into jobs are comparatively good, but the numbers going to further training and education are quite low. Observes that the infrastructure to deliver GRfW in rural areas is limited, but suggests that the number of training providers in rural areas should not necessarily be increased. Considers there is a considerable unmet demand for GRfW in the rural areas and numbers are lower than could be anticipated from a fully effective programme. Stresses that these are not all uniquely rural or Lanarkshire problems, but responses should be developed from the local level.


For future programme delivery, recommends: considering wider partnerships; improving the resources available to training providers; improving linkages to positive progressions; improving understanding of local labour market opportunities in rural areas; building new delivery partnerships, but not necessarily adding to the number of providers; and considering how GRfW can integrate within a wider package of labour market interventions, and benefit from these linkages. Outlines short-, medium- and long-term development options for a more sustainable and effective rural GRfW programme.

Author Smart Consultancy
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Equity
    Equal opportunities
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development