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Evaluation of Business Learning Centres


The Real Business Learning Centres aimed to create an inclusive learning environment, drawing individuals into learning through both business-related and personal interest. They also aimed to encourage engagement in learning and overcome the key barriers to training and learning, including costs, time and access to facilities. The evaluation aimed to assess the impact on assisted companies, review processes, identify good practice and consider the appropriateness and form of any future delivery.


The methodology consisted of: desk research, surveys of participants, and a workshop with the SE Glasgow Real Team.


Suggests that Real represents an excellent concept, with valid aims and objectives. Notes that some difficulties were encountered in the inception period, including issues with business planning and project management, registered learners, learning champions and learning café events, external support, learning materials, registration and uptake. Finds that delivery was not initially as effective as anticipated. Observes that these problems have now been overcome and developments are underway to enhance future delivery. Notes that the availability of a dedicated PC resource is central to the project’s success. Suggests the programme has additionality and represents good value for money by participants.


Supports continuation of the programme, either with SE Glasgow’s project management or through a formal joint venture. For future delivery, recommends that: a clear business plan with identifiable targets must be developed; future resources should be aimed at increasing uptake within existing centres; the target markets must be better identified and materials and support developed accordingly; structured support should be offered to companies; the role of the LC be developed; SE Glasgow should generally signpost to appropriate materials; all materials and applications should be assessed through an agreed QA system; and a monitoring and evaluation framework should be developed.

Author DTZ Pieda Consulting
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development