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Food sector strategy review 1999 – 2002


SEDG contact management system aimed to assist Dumfries and Galloway’s Food and Drink Processing sector. The evaluation aimed to: update the sectoral information available to SEDG with regard to the structural changes and economic outputs of the sector between 1999 – 2002; assess the impacts attributable to SEDG's assistance in the period; and provide recommendations on the delivery of SEDG's future strategy for the sector.


The methodology consisted of: a literature review; and face-to-face and telephone interviews with relevant SEDG executives and other relevant influencers, Account Managed companies, Client managed companies, and Universal companies on the SEDG database.


In November 2003, the sector provided 3142 full-time equivalent (FTEs). Since 1999 the number of operating companies has risen from 52 to 74. Suggests there is mainly a good level of business confidence within the sector, with increased overall sectoral turnover and 142 new jobs forecast by 2006. Finds positive impacts resulting from SEDG interventions. In Account managed companies, observes changed company behaviour and accelerated, enhanced projects. Discovers evidence of additionality from SEDG's interventions with Client managed companies. Account and Client managed companies expressed a sense of partnership and satisfaction with SEDG. Universal companies demonstrated significant impacts in behaviour and a propensity (on a small scale) for expansion due to SEDG interventions. Concludes that communications with Account and Client managed companies were effective (less so with Universal companies).


Recommends a further transfer of some Universal companies to Client managed status. Presents detailed recommendations relating to issues within the 1999 review, and 2003 survey. Suggests challenges facing the sector over the next three years include: skills / management development; recruitment of staff at operator and technical levels; lack of finance in some Client and Universal companies; the cost and operation of distribution; increased competition and subsequent marketing knowledge and skills; and availability of property.

Author T L Dempster Strategy and Research (Lindsay Dempster, Alastair McGhee)
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support
  • Sectors
    Food and drink