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Glasgow Works – evaluation of sustainability of outcomes: final report


Glasgow Works aimed to tackle Glasgow’s problem of long-term unemployment. The evaluation aimed to establish the level of job outcomes from Glasgow Works and their sustainability, from a sample of leavers. It also examined the number and percentage of leavers who: left Glasgow Works straight to a job; moved to a job within 6 months of leaving Glasgow Works; and who were still in work for 6 months, 12 months and 18 months after leaving. The review also aimed to determine the specific characteristics of the survey sample.


The methodology consisted of: a commissioning meeting; a literature review; research design; telephone interviews with 139 Glasgow Works leavers (41% of available interviewees); mid term report and analysis; and draft and final report.


Glasgow Works has been effective in addressing the needs of the long term unemployed and reinforces findings from previous evaluations that the programme provides sustainable outcomes for participants who have gained employment on leaving. 82% of all Glasgow Works participants are currently in employment. Considers that the jobs are of a high quality. Finds a clear correlation between the length of time spent of Glasgow Works and sustainability of employment. Wage rates are paid at a level significantly above the national minimum wage, depending on the nature of the contract. The Glasgow Works job search facility has been an effective mechanism. The personal training allowance, whilst well received, did not enjoy a high level of awareness. Concludes that a high percentage of leavers stated that Glasgow Works increased their skills and confidence levels.


Interviewees suggest improvements relating primarily to the training element of the programme, such as longer courses, higher qualifications, more tutors and more training.

Author T L Dempster Strategy and Research
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development, Economic Inclusion