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Electronic portfolio implementation: an evaluation for Scottish Enterprise Renfrewshire


The electronic portfolio implementation pilot project was set up as a short-term support mechanism to support local training providers in using Learning Assistant, an e-portfolio system. Scottish Enterprise Renfrewshire (SER) purchased Learning Assistant licences for training providers for use with SVQs (Scottish Vocational Qualifications). The evaluation aimed to assess the project in terms of the potential for training providers to use electronic portfolio systems.


The programme was evaluated in terms of training given in the use of the system, the identification and registration of users and other operational aspects. Progress reviews were undertaken with the five participating learning providers, a fifty per cent sample of learners, two awarding bodies and a range of other key organisations including Scottish Enterprise and the SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority). Detailed discussions were held with a range of occupational verifiers from City and Guilds and the SQA regarding assessment and verification issues .


It was concluded that: e-learning, e-portfolios and e-assessment have the potential to bring business benefits to learning providers and learners; traditional providers such as colleges are not always the best environments in which to promote new learning technologies over a short time period, and business environments may recognise the benefits of such technologies more readily; .


It was recommended that: SER should consider initiating a further capacity-building project to encourage employers providing in-house training to use electronic portfolio systems; and SER should consider giving further support to training providers already proficient in using such systems, to build up case studies of good practice in order to encourage providers which are lagging behind in the adoption of new technologies.

Author 4most plus ltd
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development