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Evaluation of leadership programmes


The ‘Corporate Leadership’ MSc and the ‘Emerging Executives’ programme aimed to develop leaders to be successful in the current and future business climate and contribute to the SE Strategic Objective of creating growing businesses with an innovative and far-sighted culture. The evaluation aimed to assess: the provision of leadership development services; the fit of the project rationale, aims and objectives with SE Network and SEL strategy; the market failure rationale of the project; all aspects of contract compliance; the efficiency and effectiveness of the processes adopted by the service providers; the economic development performance of the services delivered by the service providers; strategic thinking of the participating companies; the scope and potential for widening course access; and the scope for involving other LECs in the project.


The methodology consisted of: a desk review; provider interviews; participant interviews; demand assessment; market failure assessment; wider network involvement; and future options development.


The original market failure of information deficiency and risk aversion has been addressed but not yet adjusted on a significant enough basis in Lanarkshire. It is unlikely that Lanarkshire businesses would have participated without being directly informed by SEL staff and receiving funding support from SEL. Both programmes have received significant praise from participants. High levels of personal development and measurable changes in business performance have taken place. In economic development terms the cost per job created represents good cost effectiveness in comparison to other interventions. A mixed response was received from other LECs regarding their adoption of a similar approach to SEL. NB the economic impact calculations in this report do not wholly adhere to the Scottish Enterprise Economic Impact Assessment Guidance launched in 2006, therefore please treat these figures with caution. Please use the "Contact Us" button if you need more information.


Recommends that SEL support Lanarkshire businesses to access these programmes. Suggests that the target market should now be expanded to include selected ‘medium impact’ companies. Recommends that SEL should investigate whether an additional Senior Managers leadership programme could be developed. Recommends that the marketing approach should be reviewed. Concludes that SEL contracts put the responsibility on companies to ensure they receive the level of service they should from the programme provider.

Author Frontline Consultants
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Leadership/management development