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Evaluation of Phoenix Park: final report for Scottish Enterprise Renfrewshire


The Phoenix Industrial Park aimed to contribute to the wider economic regeneration of Renfrewshire in general and the provision of high quality business locations in particular. The evaluation aimed to: assess the impact of the development of Phoenix Park; measure its performance against its stated objectives and targets; and provide a final review of its overall contribution to the Renfrewshire economy.


The methodology consisted of: an inception period; a desk-based review; a fieldwork survey of three of the companies located on the Park; and analysis and reporting.


Considers that Park has the potential to be a successful redevelopment project. Finds that the Phoenix Park has a good location, a good local workforce to recruit from, and committed companies to the area for at least the medium term. Observes there is a cautious view on growth prospects, limited impacts additionality, and initial development was unlikely without some public sector intervention. Notes that much of the site has yet to be fully developed and estimates a value for money impact of £5,600 per FTE once fully developed. Suggests that the Park is capable of matching or exceeding gross job creation targets. Shows that net benefits are likely to be much reduced. Concludes that SE Renfrewshire’s financial position was improved by the clawback of funds made possible by the Park’s sale and waiving of any claim to these monies by SEP. Notes that the project is forecast to either meet or exceed all its ERDF targets.


For future projects, recommends that financial participation with the private sector rather than grant aid enhances the value for money obtained; an early exit policy enables a clean break with the project to be made; and an evaluation should ideally be commissioned while all parties are still involved in the project or available to discuss their involvement.

Author EKOS Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Area regeneration