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Evaluation of Rowallan Business Park


The Rowallan Business Park project aimed to provide a high quality business park, attractive to inward investment and indigenous businesses, to act as a strategic business location in and gateway to Ayrshire. The evaluation aimed to investigate: the fundamental rationale for the Park’s establishment; whether the Park addressed previous market failure; the actual outputs from the Park’s development; comparison of the Park with other similar strategic sites; lessons of best practice; and the future development of the Park.


The methodology consisted of: an examination of Scottish Enterprise reports and strategies; consultations with the 3 occupiers of the Park and the Park developers; an economic impact assessment; and a comparison with other business sites.


Notes that the Park, although not yet complete, has had a positive economic impact, provides a high quality business space and contributes to Ayrshire’s physical business environment. Considers that the Park should meet its anticipated targets. Impacts include: 654 FTE jobs; a combined total annual turnover of £60m; and a job density of 1 FTE per 110 sq. ft. Finds there is a mismatch between developers’ aspirations to secure large requirements against current ‘local’ demand. Take up of land has been slower than initially envisaged. Considers the need for public sector support is likely to continue. In future, the Park should benefit from its proximity to Glasgow.


Finds that the park needs to provide a range of property solutions and services which meets the needs of the market. Suggests the provision of a small business centre to meet smaller ‘local’ requirements. Outlines issues which require to be addressed in the future development of the Park including car parking, public transport accessibility and the availability of appropriately skilled workforce. Notes that the total impact of the completed development should be measured through a final evaluation and full economic impact assessment.

Author DTZ Pieda Consulting
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Internationalisation
    Inward investment