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Evaluation of the Business Gateway Fife Business Information Service


The Business Information Service aims to provide high quality business information to start up and existing companies with the objective of enabling them to identify new opportunities and new markets, improve competitiveness in existing markets and enhance potential for growth. The evaluation project aimed to ascertain how improvements could be made to the service to provide greater value to the economic development of Fife.


The research involved interviews with Business Information Service advisers, Scottish Enterprise Fife executives, telephone interviews with eight Fife organisations which had used the Business Information Service and an analysis of eight Customer Callback sheets.


The report concludes that the Information Service of Business Gateway Fife currently has a sound base that puts it in a good position for future development. The consultants suggest that the service has a number of positive attributes that differentiates it from other Gateways: a single regional boundary and one point of access to allow a single entry point for all enquiries and a flow of information between advisers; information advisers with a wealth of experience and expertise that is not always found in other areas; and strong positive links with the Enterprise Company and the fact that both are housed in the same building.


The report suggests that there is a need to change the role and remit of the Information Service, and that Business Gateway Fife should see information as central to their policy and planning processes as well as informing both internal and external customers. It makes specific recommendations relating to: developing the role of the information advisers so that they deal with higher level tasks and enquiries; and providing information to companies more proactively.

Author Roberts Partnership
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation, Support to existing/growth businesses