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Evaluation of the Scottish Enterprise Ayrshire Sustainable Environment Programme


SE Ayrshire’s Sustainable Environment Programme aimed to meet SE Targets through the development and running of the Ayrshire Environmental Management Group (AEMG) . The evaluation aimed to consider: positive and negative impacts; the appropriateness of action to date; the benefits realised in terms of economy, environment and community; the realisation of SE and Scottish Executive policy objectives; satisfaction and effectiveness for participants, members and stakeholders; the programme in comparison with other projects; and potential future improvements and mechanisms.


The methodology consisted of Audit Review Questionnaires, providing a structured face-to-face interview, with a various stakeholders and consultees.


SE Ayrshire has focused much of its attention to assisting local businesses through the AEMG. SE Ayrshire has a total of 15 Business Efficiency Targets. In 2003/4, it delivered on the soft targets, but found the hard target difficult to achieve. Clarification of the applicable sustainability targets related to the Business Efficiency programme and the budget allocation against target allocation is sought from SE.


Recommends that SE Ayrshire should: continue with the AEMG; build better links with other local agencies; seek out new ideas and approaches to meet business needs; provide additional support to Business Advisors and local companies; link to REEF/AEMG and other local initiatives; consider partnering in a European Application; build relationships with business people; facilitate mentoring of company staff and provision of students with support from practitioners; and raise awareness of Environment and Resource Efficiency.

Author Wren and Bell
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Equity
    Sustainable development