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Go for Tourism: programme review – report


The Go for Tourism initiative aimed to identify and address the key skills and labour market challenges that the tourism sector faced in the Forth Valley area. The evaluation aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the programme on the people issues within the tourism industry.


The methodology consisted of: desktop research; interviews with key representatives in the groups and from supporting statutory bodies; and a facilitated Innovation Toolkit session.


Finds the Go for Tourism initiative has been successful in co-ordinating employment and people development activities across the tourism industry within Forth Valley. Indicates the youth employment forum has been very successful in securing private sector support and involvement in public sector-led activities. Notes that the HR Forum has been successful in establishing a self-supporting industry-based group that is identifying and actioning its own initiatives. Suggests the Chef’s Forum has proven to be difficult to organise and sustain and its future viability will depend on a significant restructuring. Shows the adult employment forum has been very successful in co-ordinating a wide range of activities promoting tourism as a career.


Recommends changes to the Steering Group, including: a more inclusive and representative membership; a wider geographical representation; a greater dispersion of responsibilities and activities; clarifying the role and goals of the GfT initiative and the role of the group itself; a structure change that will facilitate greater involvement across the industry and reduce the time commitments of members; a redefinition as a consultative body that will adopt a more strategic approach. Suggests there should be a more proactive marketing of the benefits of involvement and a greater emphasis on activities and outcomes for all sectors of the industry. Concludes there is a need to increase the level of participation from the three local authorities in the area.

Author Matrix Management Consultants
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development
  • Sectors