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Supply Chain Improvement Programme


The Supply Chain Improvement Programme (SCIP) comprises a series of workshops led by experienced manufacturing consultants and uses a comprehensive database of performance metrics against which firms’ performance can be compared. The evaluation aimed to assess: the success of the programme in meeting its principal objectives and targets and whether these objectives are still valid; the project’s impacts on the individual companies assisted; and the economic impact of the project to date on the companies assisted.


The methodological approach comprised three main elements: desk based research; consultations with Scottish Enterprise (SE) account managers and three of the Consultants delivering the programme; and a survey of seven of the firms assisted.


The Programme was particularly influential for all but one of the firms, especially those engaged in expanding their supplier base (and those of their customers) abroad. In terms of achievements: a framework was developed; there was a limited increase in the level of e-procurement; there were improvements in links to the academic community; and the methodology was strong on tools, processes and impact metrics. Overall the material was considered by the consultants to be of good quality but the delivery was ‘dry’ and they found the training relatively tiring. Although none of the firms made a direct and full attribution to their participation in SCIP, it was indicated that they had gained new insights and knowledge on what comprised their supply chains, how much their supply chains cost to manage and how they might be developed. The net sales impact of the Programme is £6.29m to date and the contribution to GDP is £1.04m.


It was recommended that consideration should be given to: introducing consultancy time at the start of the process; developing a database similar to the PMG database that uses benchmark data for Scotland based firms; introducing some flexibility into the delivery; emphasising at the outset to firms that the participation of key personnel at workshops is mandatory and that the proposed diary dates must be adhered to; and the possibility of broadening the scope of the Programme. Overall it is recommended that the programme is continued/re-run.

Author O’Herlihy & Co. Ltd
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses